The USHA is proud to offer Handball Scholarships to our athletes competing at the collegiate level. 

Available Collegiate Handball Scholarships
(Click on each one for more scholarship information):

Bob and Sue Delaney Scholarship

This scholarship is available to any full-time collegiate handball player who plays in Arizona or Illinois and may also be from either state.

Mardak Scholarship

This scholarship is available to any Certified USHA Instructor who is a full-time collegiate handball player and is teaching handball to students or new players

– David Chapman Memorial Collegiate Scholarship

This scholarship is available to any full-time collegiate handball player who plays in California or Missouri and may also be from either state.

– Team Aware Collegiate Handball Scholarship

A scholarship In Memory of Chatten Hayes for collegiate handball players who were affected by cancer (directly, family member, or other loved ones).

The Mardak Community Challenge
(A great way to help college students teach the game to others!)