Mardak Community Challenge
Mardak Community Challenge
As a starting point, communities and programs awarded funding will need to find local funding to match the Mardak Community Challenge awards.
The Mardak funds will pay college students to teach handball and mentor younger students. Typically, the endowment will spend about $20,000 in this manner, and the USHA is looking for communities with about $2,000 in matching funds to be part of this program. This amount could be greater if the local community can match and has the program to make it work. The USHA will accept applications for the Mardak Community Challenge through Dec. 1. Awards will be made beginning in the following February and continuing until funds are depleted.
Please send your requests to
In the application, please describe the teaching or mentoring to be done, how many certified instructors will be involved, how many students will be reached, how often the program will occur and how much matching funding is available. Feel free to contact Matt Krueger or Sam Esser at the USHA or call (520)795-0434 for more information and details about this tremendous opportunity.