George Quam

George Quam Induction: 1959 George was told to forget about handball, because it was strictly a two-handed game. Quam determinedly learned the game and went on to win an exhibition […]

Vic Hershkowitz

USHA Hall of Fame Induction: 1957 Hershkowitz is considered by most historians as the greatest all-around player in handball history. No other player has ever so thoroughly dominated one-, three-, […]

Joe Danilczyk

USHA Hall of Fame Induction: 2008 Joe Danilczyk’s main arsenal was a hopping two-way hook serve.  He could also mix in deadly kills, a round-house opposite left punch along with […]

Maynard Laswell

USHA Hall of Fame Induction: 1955 The first multiple winner of the national handball title was Maynard Laswell of the Los Angeles Athletic Club. The champion had one of the […]

Sam Atcheson

Sam Atcheson USHA Hall of Fame Induction: 1955 Sam Atcheson won the four-wall National Open singles title in 1933 and 1934. In 1945, at the age of 43, he added […]

Joe Platak

USHA Hall of Fame Induction: 1954 The record book shows that Platak, representing Chicago’s Lake Shore Club, won seven national four-wall singles championships in a row, added two more after […]

Shiela Maroshick

              By Dan Flickstein On November 22, 2015 Sheila Maroshick, brilliant one-wall singles star from 1949-1964, was officially inducted into the USHA Hall of […]

Al Banuet

Al Banuet USHA Hall of Fame Induction: 1954  Whenever there is talk of the all-time best, Al Banuet is mentioned. He won three consecutive titles, in 1929 (at the age […]